It Gets Worse

Since the last time I posted about the Bruce McArthur case, additional info has been revealed that is… well, grim, to say the least. Alongside the established first degree murder charges relating to the deaths of Andrew Kinsman and Selim Esen, McArthur is now charged with the murders of three more men – Majeed Kayhan,…

The Beaverton: “Netflix To Revive Family-Favourite Grandma.”

Yay! Excited to publish my very first piece for Canadian satirical news site The Beaverton! They’re super fabulous and sorta like the Canadian spiritual sister to The Onion. They also exist as a super hilarious television series, so check that out when you’re not reading my article at the link below: Netflix to revive family-favourite…

A Romantic at Heart

On Thursday, Toronto discovered it had a serial killer preying on gay men. Or perhaps I should rephrase that. The general population of Toronto discovered that it had a serial killer preying on gay men. Not the community itself, which had long suspected that the growing list of missing men with similar physical characteristics and…