Space Channel: “The Secret Loves of Geeks!”

As I’ve mentioned in the past, I feel very lucky to be included in The Secret Loves of Geeks, a Bedside Press/Dark Horse Comics collection of short stories and comics from a number of very talented creators — including Canadian literary giant (and occasional figure of controversy) Margaret Atwood! (I continually mention this fact if just…

The Secret Loves of Geeks: “Love in Alderaan Places.”

It has been a long time coming, but The Secret Loves of Geeks is finally out this month on February 13th! A collection of prose stories and comics from Dark Horse Comics and Bedside Press, it includes my story “Love in Alderaan Places” alongside works by Margaret Atwood, Mariko Tamaki, Trina Robbins, Amy Chu, Marley…

It Gets Worse

Since the last time I posted about the Bruce McArthur case, additional info has been revealed that is… well, grim, to say the least. Alongside the established first degree murder charges relating to the deaths of Andrew Kinsman and Selim Esen, McArthur is now charged with the murders of three more men – Majeed Kayhan,…

The Beaverton: “Netflix To Revive Family-Favourite Grandma.”

Yay! Excited to publish my very first piece for Canadian satirical news site The Beaverton! They’re super fabulous and sorta like the Canadian spiritual sister to The Onion. They also exist as a super hilarious television series, so check that out when you’re not reading my article at the link below: Netflix to revive family-favourite…

A Romantic at Heart

On Thursday, Toronto discovered it had a serial killer preying on gay men. Or perhaps I should rephrase that. The general population of Toronto discovered that it had a serial killer preying on gay men. Not the community itself, which had long suspected that the growing list of missing men with similar physical characteristics and…

Xtra: “Why The Holidays Can Still Suck for Queer People.”

Daily Xtra just ran a piece I did on the challenges facing queer people during the holidays. You should check it out by clicking the image or link below! Why the holidays can still suck for queer people, even when you’re out Happy holidays, everyone. I just bought $30 worth of gourmet treats for the…

Nostalgia Is A Drug

It really bugs me that there is now a backlash over The Last Jedi being a film that upends series mythology when so many Star Wars fans were critical of The Force Awakens being too derivative of A New Hope. I mean, fandoms are a fickle bunch, but… for real? You’re going to toss this…

The Past Must Die

The Last Jedi is a fascinating film. It is definitely one of the most artful blockbusters I have ever seen, with some truly astounding visuals. I mean, there’s this: And this: And this: It’s clear Rian Johnson took his time to not only revisit the rules set up by George Lucas all those years ago,…

Batman Gets Hitched

Remember when I made that whole post about the relationship between Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle? And I unpacked the brilliant ballroom scene from Batman Returns, but used it as a way to illustrate their perfect-but-imperfect love and how it played a formative role in my development as a young gay male? I even said…